Top 5 Reasons to Schedule an AC Tune-Up Early

An AC is a lifesaver during those long, hot summer days. But unless it’s maintained adequately, it might fail at the worst possible moment. Rushing to schedule a tune-up in the middle of the summer heat is incredibly stressful.

HVAC experts are the busiest at this time of year, so scheduling repairs can take longer than expected. But that’s only one reason why it’s a great idea to have your AC tuned up early and often. Here are a few more to consider:

Prevent breakdowns

If the AC suddenly breaks down or refuses to start, the only solution is to call an air conditioner service and hope for a quick solution. It’s a stressful situation that you should avoid.

By calling an AC and HVAC professional before there’s any need to use your AC, it’s possible to prevent these breakdowns.

A standard tune-up includes evaluating the ductwork and airflow, checking the evaporator coil, and tightening loose electrical connections.

Reduce the need for frequent repairs

Homeowners can avoid frequent and costly repairs by calling the AC professional once per year for an early tune-up. A tune-up will often include changing the air filter in the unit.

It’s a simple task that saves homeowners from calling someone for a filter change later. The same applies to lubricating the moving parts and checking the condenser fan.

Lower utility bills

A regular tune-up will ensure the AC is more energy-efficient and lower utility costs. Air conditioners are inactive for the better part of the year in many areas. Therefore, dust and dirt accumulation will affect the unit’s efficiency.

Steadily, the utility costs will rise until the homeowners choose to act. However, keeping the AC lubricated, clean, and in good working condition makes the cooling costs less likely to increase.

Better indoor air quality

Your indoor air quality is a critical factor for the overall well-being of household members.

A neglected AC system can develop mold, bacteria, and other biological contaminants that can affect human health and lead to chronic illnesses. Homeowners can avoid these issues and enjoy excellent indoor air quality with timely AC tune-ups.

No risk of voiding the warranty

Most AC units are covered with at least a five-year warranty, although manufacturers offer extended warranties in many cases. When your AC needs repair or a part replacement, the manufacturer will usually ask for proof of regular maintenance.

It’s a standard stipulation in the warranty that is quickly forgotten. The lack of routine tune-ups can void the warranty and leave owners with costly AC repairs coming out of pocket.

Keep your AC clean and efficient

Correct use and regular maintenance will significantly extend your home appliances’ lifespan. The same principle applies to HVAC systems.

Dealing with a broken AC in the middle of summer can be frustrating and often quite expensive. To avoid such hassles, make sure to call a reliable AC professional and schedule an early tune-up.


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