Situations When Homeowners Need a Plumber
A major leak, such as a burst pipe or a leak in the main supply line, poses a substantial risk of flooding and demands immediate professional attention.
Minor plumbing complications at home, such as small leaks, typically do not require a plumbing professional. With minimal tools and basic plumbing knowledge, many can replace a broken faucet's components or the entire assembly. However, certain situations require immediate professional intervention. Plumbing emergencies pose considerable inconveniences and potentially escalate if not addressed professionally. Recognizing the right moment to call a plumber might elude many until too late.
Here are five situations where a homeowner should call a plumbing professional:
A major leak in the supply line
A major leak, such as a burst pipe or a leak in the main supply line, poses a substantial risk of flooding and demands immediate professional attention. While minor leaks can be postponed for later repair, any extensive damage calls for urgent professional intervention. Water damage poses serious harm to both a home's integrity and financial well-being.
No water throughout the home
Having no water at home can be because of a few reasons. One, the utility bills haven’t been paid for a very long time. Second, the main shutoff valve is closed. Lastly, there might be an issue somewhere along the supply line. If the first two reasons are not the cause of the water loss, a plumbing service should examine the issue. Water loss must be addressed promptly to prevent further issues.
Drainage line major leak
Drain line leaks are more complicated than common blockages or clogs. This problem is beyond the capabilities of most homeowners, requiring professional intervention from expert plumbers. Expedited repairs are necessary to minimize damage to drywalls, floors, subfloors, and other areas.
Gas Leak
In households with gas-powered water heaters, gas leaks pose a significant hazard. Confined spaces with leaked natural gas become potentially explosive. Regular professional checks, especially for natural gas-powered water heaters, prevent such hazards.
While minor plumbing repairs can be accomplished with basic tools and a DIY approach, significant issues must be addressed by professional plumbers. When encountering any of these issues at home, it's crucial to contact local plumbing services for immediate resolution.
Evenflow Home Services has earned a strong reputation for providing comprehensive residential and commercial plumbing services. Emergency services available. Call today at (210) 941-3503.