Home Maintenance Tips that will Lower Your Electric Bill

Rising electric costs are a cause of concern for every homeowner. Let's look for ways to lower their energy bills without sacrificing comfort! Did you know that performing simple home maintenance tasks can help you save a significant amount of money and make your home more energy-efficient? 

The best way to start is to create a schedule and list the maintenance tasks based on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis to make sure nothing is ignored. Here are some essential tips to save some cash on your electric bill all year round:


Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) accounts for most of the energy used in a house. Therefore, it is essential to get the system inspected and cleaned regularly to make sure that it is working correctly and efficiently. Check the air ducts for any problem and remove dust and dirt to ensure smooth and clean airflow inside the house. Regularly replace your air filters to keep your HVAC system running. Search for spots around your home to detect possible air leaks and seal them. Windows, fireplaces, doors, canned lighting, and attics are some common places where you can find air leaks. You should hire a professional to perform periodic professional maintenance. But, consider replacing it to increase energy efficiency if you feel your HVAC system is old or not working like before. 


There are many electrical appliances in every home, including refrigerator, exhaust fans, washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher. These appliances gather dust, debris, and grease over time, which affects their functioning efficiency. Cleaning the coils, vents, and filters of these appliances can help improve their energy consumption. Also, keep your water heater at an optimal temperature of about 120-degree Fahrenheit. Replace your old appliances with high-quality energy star appliances for some serious electric savings. 


Homeowners should use fans in conjunction with the air conditioner to save on the electric bill.  During summer, the fans operate in a counterclockwise direction. In winters, flip the course of the blades, so they run in a clockwise direction. This way, the fan will redistribute warm air to keep your home warmer for a longer time. Ceiling fans consume very little energy and are a great way to save cash during both warm and cold weather. If you don't have ceiling fans, consider installing them in areas such as the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms


One of the easiest ways to reduce electric bills is to install energy-efficient light bulbs like LED and CFL. These eco-friendly bulbs last longer and are best for the areas where lights are used widely. Switch to dimmer switches to use only the required amount of light. You can also consider installing solar lighting outdoors. 

Some other maintenance tips include getting a programmable thermostat, checking your plumbing for leaks, keeping your refrigerator full, insulating electrical outlets, and even the garage door. You can carry out some of the maintenance on your own or hire a professional electrician. Many utility companies offer free energy audit facilities to their customers. This will help you identify the areas where you can reduce your energy usage.

Evenflow Home and Commercial Services offer residential and commercial electrical, plumbing, and HVAC services in San Antonio, Schertz, Converse, Floresville, Elmendorf, and surrounding cities. Call us at 210-941-3503 today!


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