Benefits of Home Generator

Homeowners invest in generators to avoid losing access to electronic devices and appliances during outages.

Home generators supply power during blackouts. Homeowners invest in these devices to avoid losing access to electronic devices and appliances during outages. This article shares insights into how beneficial these generators can be for any household.

What is a home generator?

A home backup generator or a standby generator is a power supply machine installed outside a house, similar to AC units. A backup generator turns on automatically when the home loses power.

These units, tied into the property’s liquid propane or natural gas system, don’t require extension cords or gasoline refueling.

Home generators can supply all types of appliances and items in a home:

  • Freezer and fridge to keep the food safe

  • Electronics to keep the homeowners connected

  • Heat and AC for the family to stay comfortable

  • Lights to avoid falls and injuries

  • Water for showers, toilets, faucets, sump pumps, and washing machines

There are numerous generator types and brands on the market. The best generator depends on the particular needs of every household.

Benefits of home generators

Added security and safety

Home generators keep carbon monoxide from building up inside a home. Unlike portable units, they don’t release fumes. Home generators also give homeowners access to lighting in case a blackout occurs, which helps avoid and prevent injury.

Higher efficiency

A portable generator delivers a limited power amount and requires regular refueling. In contrast, a home standby generator provides unlimited power as it connects directly to the existing gas line.

Cost-effective solution

Home generators prevent problems, including spoiled food, frozen pipes in the winter, and more. In the process, they save homeowners from headaches and costs on appliance repairs.

The savings of a standby generator add up, quickly offsetting the initial installation cost, and their value drastically increases during a power outage. As a result, they offer a positive return on investment.


Because a home generator turns on automatically whenever the power goes out, appliances remain working. As a result, air conditioners, refrigerators, water heaters, freezers, and other essential appliances have stable electricity to keep running.

A portable generator, however, needs to be turned on manually and can’t necessarily supply the hard-wired items with power.

Other benefits of home generators

  • Keep the home safe from voltage surges and fluctuations when municipal  power is restored

  • Function safely during natural and man-made disasters

  • Give peace of mind to the homeowners

A home generator investment is a safe investment

Home or backup generators keep a home powered for days following a blackout. Even though they are a significant investment, they have a high return on the investment. Learn more about the benefits of home generators or get one for the household through a local electrical service provider.

Evenflow Home and Commercial Services of San Antonio offers impeccable house cleaning services, professional plumbing, electrician services, HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair. Our technicians offer  24-hour emergency electrical and HVAC service for San Antonio, Schertz, Converse, Floresville, Elmendorf, and more. Call us at (210)941-3503.


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