Air Conditioning Problems that Must be Recognized Early
If the air conditioner is blowing cool air, check the thermostat.
Unusual noises
The air conditioning system should not sound like an orchestra. While some subtle noises are typical, they should not be so loud that they’re hard to tune out. When the air conditioner reaches that volume, there is trouble. Whether there are new sounds or the sounds are just louder than usual, these irregularities could indicate a severe problem. Insufficient lubrication and loose components are often the causes of such noises. When left untreated, these could result in more damage to the unit.
Insufficient cooling
If the air conditioner is blowing cool air, check the thermostat. More often than not, the thermostat may be adjusted incorrectly. Sometimes, the fan may only be switched on, or the heat pump may be switched to heating mode. Whatever the case may be, ensure that the problem isn’t something that can be solved independently before calling a professional.
Some issues, however, are best left to the practiced hands of a professional technician. Leaky ducting and low refrigerant charge are two other common causes of an AC unit blowing warm air. Another potential issue is an improperly sized air conditioning unit, often requiring replacing the system entirely. It’s best to call an HVAC company in these cases, as these issues are not easily handled independently and could lead to further damage.
Increasing utility bills
If the utility bills are increasing substantially and no significant changes have been made to the AC settings, there’s likely an underlying issue causing the system to run inefficiently. Various factors could cause this situation, so it’s best to call an HVAC technician to assess the issue and make specific recommendations for solutions. Though this appointment comes with an initial cost, it’s worth the investment to avoid rising utility bills.
Air conditioning units are susceptible to many issues, most of which must be addressed as soon as they’re detected. Though the upfront cost of repairing these issues can be burdensome, they’re likely only to worsen if left to persist. Keep these symptoms in mind and always have the contact information of a reliable HVAC company on hand to schedule an appointment as soon as any issues arise.
The importance of a reliably working AC system cannot be understated. Evenflow Home Services provides reliable AC installation & replacement, AC tune-up and seasonal maintenance, AC repair and maintenance, ductless AC, and air conditioner service. Call or book online.